Lloyd tries to keep Earnest as sane as possible until the unexpected arrival of the Gralsritter's fifth Dominion, Kevin Graham. Dudley and Arios catch up and together they manage to hold off Earnest, whose consciousness is steadily fading. In an attempt to attain "true awakening" like his master Joachim, Earnest takes an overdose of red gnosis and demonizes. With Dudley and Arios hindered by ten more archaisms, the first to catch up with the refugees are Lloyd and Noel. They agree to meet each other at the end of the lodge and each group goes their way. The battle results in a cave in, separating Lloyd and Noel from Dudley and Arios. Halfway through the lodge, the team discovers the two political refugees arguing: Hartmann expresses his willingness to turn himself in, but gets dragged away by Earnest and the team is stopped in their tracks by the archaisms cult leader Joachim Guenter left behind. The political turbulance in Crossbell led to the formation of a special investigation group, consisting of Special Support Section (SSS) leader Lloyd Bannings, Crossbell Guardian Force lieutenant Noel Seeker, Crossbell Police Department chief inspector Alex Dudley and A-rank bracer Arios MacLaine, all equipped with the new ENIGMA II tactical orbment.

They ultimately found shelter in the former D∴G Cult lodge of Altair, the westernmost city of Calvard. Crossbellan politician Hartmann and his secretary Earnest Reis had fled to Erebonia, only to be exiled. Trails to Azure begins several months after the ending of Trails from Zero. Synopsis Setting Plot Prologue - Traces of D 1.2.7 Fragments - Beyond the Paradise of Lies.1.2.5 Chapter 3 - Flux: Carnival of Beasts.1.2.3 Chapter 2 - West Zemuria Trade Conference.1.2.2 Chapter 1 - Omen: A New Daily Life.